Upper Elboya Park Naturalization Project

Some of the users of our smaller Elboya Park (on 47th Ave.) may have noticed some changes in the last 2+ years. Yes, the park is being transformed before our eyes!

Since its inception the park was designated by City Parks as a ‘passive park’, meaning just that, an ‘as is’ park. Its big sister (across the street) had been fully developed with a baseball diamond and a large kiddies playground with lots of play structures and seating.

Our Community Association Board thought “can we give the smaller park any sort of overhaul and bring in more users?” A Project Committee was struck and a Project Lead assigned. The Committee got to work quickly.

Immediately, ground work discussions on the “possibilities” commenced with City Park officials. For significant changes to happen in the park, the City required us to survey and get majority approval of any concept from the households facing the park. Surveyed respondents overwhelming supported the initiative.

What evolved was “let’s turn the park into a more naturalized space.” To kick start the project, the City of Calgary Urban Forestry group supplied and planted 7 new Larches and 6 Aspens throughout the park. The Parks Operation group installed 2 park benches.

We had a challenge. Parks Calgary said for any additional projects in the park, we would have to get funding from external funders (i.e. grants). Parks Operations said their funds were not available for our plan.

With our first year efforts, we applied and secured: a Calgary Parks Foundation (CFP) Stella Design grant (to hire a landscape architect); a Calgary Inspiring Neighborhoods grant; and an ActivateYYC grant. These 3 grants totaling $12,100, allowed us to 1) design the park schematic including identifying grass areas to mow and areas to allow to continuously grow 2) install 2 stacked boulder features and 3) build and install a pollinator garden and plant Calgary native plant perennials.

This past year we decided to install a unique stone feature at the East end of the park. Through a local skilled contractor we were able to install a circle of stone pillars to mimic Britain’s infamous Stonehenge. Using compasses the 7 pillars were placed to align with the angles of Summer and Winter Solstice dates.

To fund this pillar project we were able to secure an Ab Govt. Community Facility Enhancement grant ($14,905); a Calgary Inspiring Neighborhood grant ($4,905); and a Calgary Parks Foundation grant ($10,000).

The Community Association wholeheartedly thanks all our grant funders allowing us to convert our passive park into a naturalized space. Anecdotally we have seen a significant increase in the number of park users: walkers enjoying the new garden in the summer; taking a rest on the park benches and stacked boulders year round; and enjoying the newly planted treed areas.

Please take a walk through the park and enjoy the transformation!

Thank you for your support, Your Elboya Britannia Community Association.


May 2024 EBCA newsletter