Elboya Britannia Community Association
The Elboya Britannia Association offers a number of programs and events each year for our community members. Purchasing a membership helps the EBCA to collect the revenue required to support our volunteer-run organization in our effort to provide these services.
Benefits of Membership
An active Elboya Britannia Community Association Membership provides an avenue for residents to communicate their ideas and desires for the community at our Annual General Meeting and gives you access to preferred rental rates at the Community Hall and at some of our community events.
Household Memberships ($30)
One Membership can be applied to an entire household. The Household Membership is entitled to one (1) vote at the Annual General Meeting, regardless of the number of family members associated with the Membership.
If multiple persons residing in the same household would like to vote at the AGM, they may choose to purchase an additional Membership for each voter instead.
Memberships are valid for one year from January 1 – December 31.