Welcome to the Elboya Britannia Community Association!

We are an active and diverse community in the city of Calgary that takes pride in the engagement of our community members. Find out more about our community and what is going on, get in touch, and make sure you sign up for your community membership.

Are you interested in volunteering? We would love to hear from you! Volunteers are the lifeblood of the community and essential in making this a great place for everyone. There are all sorts of ways you can help out - contact us at info@elboyabritannia.com if you are interested in pitching in or if you have any questions for the Board of Directors.

Elboya Britannia at a Glance: What’s New and Noteworthy

New Years Day skating shindig

Wednesday Jan 1, 1-3pm

Location: EBCA Community Hall & Stanley Park Rink

Chinook Communities LAP - Conversation Series

Saturday Dec 14, 3-7pm

Location: EBCA Community Hall (416 Park Ave SW)